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Human Resource Management

Young business man happy to pack up his office
May 7, 2021 Read time: 1 minutes

While we’re all hopeful that the pandemic will soon be behind us, it’s increasingly clear that remote work is here to stay. Research from Willis Towers Watson suggests that employers expect almost 40% of their employees to work remotely by the end of this year, and Robert Half found that more than one-third of professionals would sooner find another…

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Law Gavel
April 14, 2021 Read time: 3 minutes

With the inauguration of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, companies and contingent workers are looking to understand their new proposals for federal workplace laws. The Biden-Harris campaign advocated for strengthening regulations around the gig economy and employee classification laws. What this means for companies and workers as we move forward into 2021 is still…

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Woman filling out visa application
March 30, 2021 Read time: 3 minutes

Many industries are facing a crisis: finding workers to fill ever widening skills gaps. In fact, in February 2021, 51% of business owners reported having “few or no qualified applicants” for open positions. One way to close the gap is to hire “nonimmigrant aliens,” the term used to refer to tourists, students, business travelers, and temporary workers. Temporary…

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Open hands with people icons
March 3, 2021 Read time: 4 minutes

Recruiting the right candidates for open job roles is one of the most crucial functions of HR. Sourcing possible candidates, screening, interviewing, and training is a time-consuming and costly business process but it is a necessary one. How do you cut down on recruitment costs while still retaining productive processes that produce excellent results? There…

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young black woman working from home
February 2, 2021 Read time: 3 minutes

Research from Statista suggests that prior to the coronavirus pandemic, 17% of employees in the U.S. worked remotely five or more days per week. As a response to COVID-19, that number increased to 44%. Two things have become increasingly clear: A significant number of jobs can be performed remotely, and teams don’t have to be in an…

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Young man working from home
February 1, 2021 Read time: 1 minutes

Today’s business challenges are unlike any others we’ve seen due to the coronavirus pandemic. In spring 2020, companies had to enable a remote workforce virtually overnight. Although many businesses have begun to see the advantages of remote working, 71% are still struggling with the transition. It’s not hard to see why. Though remote work brings…

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FLSA Document
January 25, 2021 Read time: 2 minutes

For decades, employers have struggled to determine which workers they may qualify as independent contractors versus which must be hired as employees. With the burgeoning gig economy further blurring the line between these categories, this struggle has only grown more acute over the past few years. And until recently, the Department of Labor has lacked…

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US Capitol and Federal Law Making Buildings
January 25, 2021 Read time: 3 minutes

It’s only fitting that a roller-coaster presidential race would cap off an unquestionably tumultuous year, but now that President Joe Biden has been sworn in, employers should start anticipating the various ways in which the new administration could change federal workplace laws. There’s still plenty of uncertainty, but the Democratic majority in the Senate provides…

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4 contingent workforce trends in 2021 banner
January 18, 2021 Read time: 1 minutes

An unprecedented year created unfamiliar challenges for companies and their HR departments in 2020. Many businesses shuttered, and others watched their workforces go completely remote overnight. Throughout it all, the stress of the pandemic weighed on workers in countless ways. These trends and the emerging future of remote work have created opportunities to find and…

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Laptop with a map on it
January 6, 2021 Read time: 3 minutes

There’s a global workforce of qualified talent out there — and minimal obstacles to engaging them. Instead of limiting recruiting to people who live in the U.S., employers are now searching for candidates all over the world. Why? Some want to expand into new markets. Others require talent they can’t find stateside. Many seek lower labor…

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