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Independent Contractors

woman at desk talking to man holding clipboard in office setting
December 1, 2023 Read time: 4 minutes

Today, companies are increasingly turning to direct sourcing as an approach to recruiting talent. However, to implement direct sourcing strategies successfully, organizations need to understand how to build strong relationships, use new technologies, and overcome some of the most common challenges associated with talent acquisition optimization via direct sourcing. Several best practices can help organizations use direct sourcing strategies to access far greater…

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Woman working from home on multiple screens
November 3, 2023 Read time: 3 minutes

Picture this: Your in-house team lacks a specialized skill set that an upcoming project requires. You’re considering bringing an independent contractor into the mix to fill the void. It sounds like an obvious solution, right? Hold on! The path to engaging an independent contractor is fraught with complexities that you might not have considered. If…

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Photo of Dublin Bridge in Ireland
November 1, 2023 Read time: 4 minutes

Over the last few years, the number of companies making the decision to hire internationally has grown exponentially. For many, the reason comes down to money. Companies can often save on payroll while still hiring qualified talent at a fair wage when sourcing overseas. Others go this route as a means of expanding their talent pools. Without…

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City skyline of Canada
October 20, 2023 Read time: 4 minutes

Hiring is complicated enough when you’re only dealing with one country; start crossing borders, and you open your business up to a host of challenges and considerations. Employment laws vary from country to country and state to state, bringing a number of differences that affect types of contracts, rules on paid leave, termination notices, and…

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woman in glasses talking on virtual call with german flag on desk and whiteboard behind her
October 11, 2023 Read time: 4 minutes

Over the last few years, businesses have adopted more strategic sourcing funnels to seek talent. Contingent workers, or contract workers, are one component that’s become increasingly critical for engaging labor with the skills and expertise needed to meet operating requirements. Many companies actively source these workers overseas to further expand their talent pools. Due to its…

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older man sitting at counter working on laptop
October 2, 2023 Read time: 4 minutes

The war for talent has recently reached a fever pitch, starting with the Great Resignation back in 2021 and then really heating up with the Great Reshuffle, when roughly half of the workers who quit their jobs made an entire change in occupation. Now, the talent war is moving into its next phase with what can…

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Young woman working from home table on laptop
September 28, 2023 Read time: 4 minutes

An increasing number of businesses have been relying on contingent workers to fill their open positions. For businesses struggling to find qualified candidates, it’s a matter of necessity. For others, it’s often a strategic move, seen as an opportunity to access specialized skills and services on an as-needed basis — and often at a fraction of the…

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woman sitting at table talking with a group of people virtually on laptop
August 23, 2023 Read time: 4 minutes

The rise of remote work has triggered a shift from conventional recruitment strategies toward new, cutting-edge hiring methods. In addition to other strategies, companies now attract top talent by offering remote or hybrid options, contracting with freelancers, and onboarding contingent workers. Additionally, to align themselves with an increasingly globalized business landscape, companies are expanding into new markets…

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back of woman's head sitting at desk looking at a screen of multiple people in a virtual conference
August 2, 2023 Read time: 4 minutes

Navigating the various rules surrounding the engagement of independent contractors can be a daunting task for companies in general. If you then add to that the complexity of operating in multiple jurisdictions, that will be enough to leave even the more seasoned professionals feeling quite overwhelmed by the numerous restrictions and requirements they must observe.…

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two men sitting in chairs with clipboards talking to each other
July 18, 2023 Read time: 4 minutes

Fears of an economic downturn have a way of prompting companies to hit pause on a handful of strategic initiatives — talent acquisition included. Combine such uncertainty with rising interest rates, high inflation, and an unexpected banking crisis, and it can surely bring about a complete reevaluation of staffing needs. That’s at least what the…

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