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Independent Contractors

Uber Eats Delivery person on a bike
December 1, 2020 Read time: 2 minutes

When California’s Assembly Bill 5 (AB5) went into effect at the beginning of 2020, its intent was clear: draw a clear distinction between what it means to be an independent contractor and what it means to be a traditional employee. Quite a few companies have struggled with AB5 compliance, leading to unforeseen legal troubles and…

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Global map of people
December 1, 2020 Read time: 1 minutes

Geographic borders no longer limit businesses. Technology has shifted how businesses operate — internally and externally — while opening companies up to a broader array of customers and a more diverse employee base. The benefits of a diverse employee group might seem clear, but the reality of the COVID-19 pandemic is creating some challenges for…

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Law gavel put down to rule
November 17, 2020 Read time: 3 minutes

In August, Vox Media paid out $4 million to settle three different lawsuits from employees who claimed they were misclassified according to the law. In the wake of regulations like California’s Assembly Bill 5 (AB5), guidelines were in place to differentiate between full-time employees and independent contractors. Vox failed to classify these workers properly, and that misstep ended…

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Diverse group of business people talking and working together
November 9, 2020 Read time: 3 minutes

When sourcing talent, access to a wide array of potential candidates is critical. Making diversity a central tenet of talent sourcing allows businesses to engage with individuals whose varied experiences, backgrounds, and perspectives can help bring previously unforeseen levels of expertise and knowledge to a company. That diverse influx of talent can also provide a…

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Group of people with big ideas working together
October 28, 2020 Read time: 9 minutes

For startups, speed is the great equalizer. It’s what allows tiny teams working out of a garage (or perhaps a co-working space) to compete with century-old conglomerates with infinitely more resources. Without the distractions of maintaining complex business operations — or the need to work within entrenched internal processes — startups can focus solely on…

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Diverse group of people joining hands for teamwork
October 28, 2020 Read time: 8 minutes

As more studies show a positive correlation between workplace diversity and benefits like increased financial performance, higher employee engagement, and more innovation, the business case for corporate diversity and inclusion initiatives continues to get stronger. Not only in the balance sheet but also in the ability to attract talent, customers, and investors while enhancing engagement with these…

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international map and people with devices and means to work from anywhere
September 29, 2020 Read time: 3 minutes

Technology has made the world a slightly smaller place — particularly in the employment landscape. Thanks to an abundance of digital and virtual collaboration tools, companies can source and work with an array of credible and talented international workers. A global workforce helps companies expand their footprints and build inroads with talented workers beyond their traditional…

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Team wearing protective masks in a conference room setting
August 24, 2020 Read time: 7 minutes

As with many aspects of COVID-19, the virus’s effect on the global workforce is still unknown. At the outset of shutdowns and stay-at-home orders, some industries were able to keep operating with minor process changes — others saw more bleak short-term projections. Between mid-February and mid-March, 870,000 U.S. workers lost their jobs. In April, the retail…

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Dad working remotely while with his kid
August 3, 2020 Read time: 3 minutes

Local economies around the globe have been trying to figure out ways to continue business operations while still adhering to social distancing guidelines. While the solutions that businesses have concocted suggest the workforce we once knew is gone, creativity and resourcefulness are not in short supply. With COVID-19 disrupting our sense of normalcy every day,…

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Diverse group of professionals together
July 30, 2020 Read time: 3 minutes

Increasingly in the last decade businesses have prioritized diversity in the workplace as a business strategy that maximizes productivity, creativity and loyalty of employees while meeting the needs of their clients or customers. If a company is only as good as their employees, then it stands to reason that a great deal of energy should…

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