IES Blog

Employer Best Practice

How AI Can Help HR
July 2, 2019 Read time: 1 minutes

Human resources professionals are turning to technology to help them hire the right people more quickly and easily. Artificial intelligence tools are helping HR administrators in many ways — and transforming talent acquisition in the process. Although fully adopting AI and machine learning might be far off for some, there are plenty of applications that…

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Blockchain and Hiring
June 25, 2019 Read time: 1 minutes

Blockchain tools can help human resources professionals handle all kinds of tasks. From identity validation and background checks to referral systems and payment processing, blockchain technology offers a variety of improved tools for HR departments in the know. With so much to learn about this emerging technology, HR professionals have to find balance to leverage…

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HR Automation
June 18, 2019 Read time: 1 minutes

HR has embraced robotic process automation tools, which are designed to save businesses and employees time by automating repetitive clerical tasks using software robots. RPA is an asset to HR departments, but the advantages aren't necessarily automatic. Any large-scale tech implementation is challenging, and replacing humans with technology always invites some uncertainty. The best way…

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Best Practices for Tech Firms Managing a Contingent Workforce
May 28, 2019 Read time: 1 minutes

Contingent workers have played a key role in the success of tech companies for years, but reports of poor treatment have been highlighted in the news lately. Because of the need for skilled labor in the tech industry, contingent workers can be selective in their job choices. So companies need to look more closely at…

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Businesses Internal Communication
May 6, 2019 Read time: 3 minutes

Poor internal communication can have some seriously negative impacts on a company — poor morale, high employee turnover and lower employee productivity, to name a few. Worse yet, these can lead to a lasting effect on a company’s bottom line. Statistics show that plenty of businesses could stand to improve in this area. According to…

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Tips Recruit Startup Talent
April 17, 2019 Read time: 4 minutes

Hiring new talent for any company can be a time-consuming, tedious process. It starts with drafting an accurate job description and posting it to as many places as possible. Then you need to sift through hundreds of resumes, making sure you don’t waste your time on candidates who are completely wrong for the role. Interviewing…

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Independent Contractor Compliance Factors
April 10, 2019 Read time: 3 minutes

Keep these factors in mind to make sure your independent contractor compliance program doesn't run into trouble. About 20%–30% of today's workforce in Europe and the US engages in some form of independent work, according to McKinsey, and those numbers will continue to grow. Such growth in the gig economy, along with increased attention from the US Department…

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Minimum Wage Increase Affect On Business
April 8, 2019 Read time: 5 minutes

The Raise the Wage Act of 2019 would result in a minimum wage increase that would significantly affect businesses. Discover ways to deal with rising labor costs. Designed to ensure that employees earn a reasonable living wage, the Raise the Wage Act of 2019 (H. R. 582) proposes a gradual minimum wage increase from $7.25 to $15.00, doubling the…

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California Employment Classifications
February 22, 2019 Read time: 4 minutes

California Is Changing the Future of Employment Classifications. Here’s What You Need to Know When Hiring Contingent Workers. By: Sara Jensen, Vice President of Business Development Published by: Determining how employees should be classified in California requires thorough analysis of many factors. But with the California Supreme Court Dynamex decision made in April 2018, the thorough analysis has…

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How Outsourcing HR Can Save Your Company Money
February 20, 2019 Read time: 2 minutes

By: Sara Jensen, Vice President of Business Development If you work in human resources, you know that the administrative side of the job can be a real bummer. But that's not the only hiccup. While certain tasks, like processing payments and handling benefits and billing, are necessary to keep employees and clients happy, if they create…

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