IES Blog


Independent Contractor Compliance Factors
April 10, 2019 Read time: 3 minutes

Keep these factors in mind to make sure your independent contractor compliance program doesn't run into trouble. About 20%–30% of today's workforce in Europe and the US engages in some form of independent work, according to McKinsey, and those numbers will continue to grow. Such growth in the gig economy, along with increased attention from the US Department…

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How to Grow Your Business with a Payrolling Company
April 1, 2019 Read time: 3 minutes

There is plenty of room for creative freedom in business. Eager to throw a new product idea at the market? Go for it. Got a wild idea for that marketing campaign? Give it a shot. Thinking about a freestyle approach to how the company engages contract workers? Stop. When it comes to the regulated arena…

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California Employment Classifications
February 22, 2019 Read time: 4 minutes

California Is Changing the Future of Employment Classifications. Here’s What You Need to Know When Hiring Contingent Workers. By: Sara Jensen, Vice President of Business Development Published by: Determining how employees should be classified in California requires thorough analysis of many factors. But with the California Supreme Court Dynamex decision made in April 2018, the thorough analysis has…

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Me Too
November 30, 2018 Read time: 3 minutes

By: Sara Jensen, Vice President of Business Development, Innovative Employee Solutions (IES) Published by: Training Magazine Companies need to be vigilant about maintaining a safe working environment, and workers can help mitigate negative scenarios by keeping in mind these suggestions. Women and men everywhere are speaking up about inequality, injustice, and sexual harassment—all topics that have…

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Classify Independent Contractors
May 24, 2018 Read time: 3 minutes

By: Hilary Hager, Corporate Counsel at Innovative Employee Solutions With its ruling in Dynamex Operations West v. Superior Court, the California Supreme Court made it much harder for California employers to classify their workers as independent contractors. On April 30, 2018, the court overturned almost 30 years of established law and adopted a new test…

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two women at desk analyzing data on papers and iPad
May 14, 2018 Read time: 3 minutes

By: Tania Fiero, VP of Human Resources Published By: HR Daily Advisor  Yesterday we began to learn about enterprise risk management (ERM) and how it influences HR. Today we’ll look at risk appetite, performing a risk assessment, and prioritizing risks. Determine Risk Appetite Of all the steps, this one tends to be the most difficult for…

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HR Risk Management
May 14, 2018 Read time: 3 minutes

By: Tania Fiero, VP of Human Resources Published By: HR Daily Advisor You know that funny feeling you get in your gut when you leave the house thinking you forgot something? That exact feeling hit me earlier in my career when our company launched a division in a completely unfamiliar industry. At the beginning, things…

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2018 labor laws
January 31, 2018 Read time: 3 minutes

Did you know 18 states changed their minimum wage starting January 1, 2018? Did you know more states and localities will prohibit employers from asking about or considering prior salary history? As 2018 starts to unfold before our eyes, make sure your business is in "The Know" with all Legislative updates. Employment and labor laws…

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August 29, 2017 Read time: 3 minutes

By: Sara Jensen, VP of Business Development This isn't your HR team's first rodeo. From onboarding to payroll processing to recruitment, your staff can do it all. But "can" is not the same as "should." Every hour your HR team spends number-crunching is one it can't spend crafting culture. Every dollar it spends on compliance is…

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August 4, 2017 Read time: 4 minutes

By: Peter Limone, President & CFO  Published By: CEOWORLD What will your company look like two decades from now? What new markets will it discover? Where will its next office be located? Will automatons work alongside humans? These are the sort of questions today’s CEOs are asking themselves. According to Deloitte’s 2017 Global Human Capital Trends,…

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